Section 1.7 - Inequalities#

An inequality says that one expression is greater than, greater than, or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to another.

Property 2 (Properties of Inequality)

Let \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\) represent real numbers.

  1. If \(a<b\), then \(a+c<b+c\).

  2. If \(a<b\) and \(c>0\), then \(ac<bc\).

  3. If \(a<b\) and \(c<0\), then \(ac>bc\).

(Replace \(<\) with {\(>\), \(\le\), or \(\ge\)} and results are similar. Except for when looking at conditions on \(c\).)

Linear Inequalities#

Definition 2

A linear inequality in one variable is an inequality that can be written in the form

where \(a\) and \(b\) are real numbers and \(a\ne0\).

(Replace \(<\) with {\(>\), \(\le\), or \(\ge\)} and results are similar.)

Set-Builder Notation

Verbal Description

Interval Notation


The set of real numbers greater than \(a\).


\(\{x\,|\,x\ge a\}\)

The set of real numbers greater than or equal to \(a\).



The set of real numbers less than \(a\).


\(\{x\,|\,x\le a\}\)

The set of real numbers less than or equal to \(a\).



The set of real numbers between \(a\) and \(b\).


\(\{x\,|\,a\le x\le b\}\)

The set of real numbers between \(a\) and \(b\), inclusive.


\(\{x\,|\,a<x\le b\}\)

The set of real numbers greater than \(a\) and less than or equal to \(b\).


\(\{x\,|\,a\le x<b\}\)

The set of real numbers greater than or equal to \(a\) and less than \(b\).


\(\{x\,|\,x<a\text{ or }x>b\}\)

The set of real numbers less than \(a\) or greater than \(b\).



The set of all real numbers


Example 14

In Business, the Profit function is the difference between the Revenue function and the Cost function, i.e.,

where \(x\) is the number of units produced and sold.

Ideally business would like Profit to be positive:


Use \(P(x)=R(x)-C(x)\) and rewrite \(P(x)>0\) in terms of \(R(x)\) and \(C(x)\).

\[\begin{align*} P(x) & >0\iff R(x)-C(x)>0\\ & \iff R(x)>C(x) \end{align*}\]

Let \(R(x)=45x\) and \(C(x)=30x+5250\). Find when the profit is positive.

\[\begin{align*} R(x) & >C(x)\\ 45x & >30x+5250\\ 15x & >5250\\ x & >\frac{5250}{15}\\ x & >350 \end{align*}\]

Interpret the results.


We expect to maintain positive profits when more than 350 units are produced and sold. (Why?)

Quadratic Inequality#

Definition 3

A quadratic inequality is an inequality that can be written in the form

where \(*\) is \(\{<,>,\le,\ge\}\), \(a,b,c\in\mathbb{R}\), and \(a\ne0\).

Example 15

Solve the quadratic inequality



Note \(x^{2}-x-12<0\) occurs at the red curve:

Figure made with TikZ

Notice that if we first know when \(x^{2}-x-12=0\) we can start to figure out when \(x^{2}-x-12<0\) .

When is \(x^{2}-x-12=0\)?

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} x^{2}-x-12 & =0\\ (x-4)(x+3) & =0\\ x & =4\\ x & =-3\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

When is \(x^{2}-x-12\) positive?

  • If \(x\) is \(-4\) then what? (why ask about when \(x=-4\)?)

  • If \(x\) is \(5\) then what? (why ask about when \(x=5\)?)

what is \(x^{2}-x-12\) negative?

  • If \(x=0\) then what? (why ask when \(x=0\)?)

This method can be generalized in the following way.

Algorithm (Solving quadratic inequality)

  1. What was the first thing we did to solve the original inequality? (\(ax^{2}+bx+c=0\))

  2. After finding when \(ax^{2}+bx+c=0\) we identified how many subintervals? (three (or two) subintervals)

  3. In those three subintervals we did what in those subintervals? (we tested if \(ax^{2}+bx+c\) is positive or negative)

Example 16




First, we will solve

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} 2x^{2}+5x-12 & =0\\ 2x^{2}+8x-3x-12 & =0\\ 2x(x+4)-3(x+4) & =0\\ (x+4)(2x-3) & =0\\ x & =\{-4,\frac{3}{2}\}\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Second, identify three subintervals: \((-\infty,-4]\cup[-4,\frac{3}{2}]\cup[\frac{3}{2},\infty)\).


\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} 2*(-5)^{2}+5*(-5)-12 & =13\\ 2*(0)^{2}+5*(0)-12 & =-12\\ 2*(2)^{2}+5*(2)-12 & =6\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
From the test values we see the solution set is:
\[\{x\,|\,x\le-4\lor\frac{3}{2}\le x\}=(-\infty,-4]\cup[\frac{3}{2},\infty)\]

Figure made with TikZ

Example 17

If an object is launched from ground level with an initial velocity of 144 feet per second, its height \(s\) in feet \(t\) seconds after launching is

When will the object be greater than 128 feet above ground level?


Solve the inequality

First, we will solve
\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} 128 & =-16t^{2}+144t\\ 16t^{2}-144t+128 & =0\\ 16\left(t-8\right)\left(t-1\right) & =0\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
The solution set is \(t=\{1,8\}\).

Second, identify the three subintervals


Third, test values at each subinterval.

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} -16(0)^{2}+144*(0) & =0<128\\ -16(2)^{2}+144*(2) & =224>128\checkmark\\ -16(9)^{2}+144*(9) & =0<128\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

This means the solution set for the inequality

\[\{x\,|\,1\le x\le8\}=[1,8]\]

Other Inequalities#

Example 18




First, we solve

and note that \(\dfrac{6x+1}{2x-3}\) is defined for all \(x\) such that \(x\ne\frac{3}{2}\). Since \(x\ne\frac{3}{2}\) we can validly multiply by \(2x-3\) to both sides of the original equation. (It is important to make this observation before multiplying by \(2x-3\) to both sides.)
\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \dfrac{6x+1}{2x-3} & =6\\ \cancel{(2x-3)}\left(\dfrac{6x+1}{\cancel{2x-3}}\right) & =6(2x-3)\\ 6x+1 & =12x-18\\ \cancel{6x-6x}+1+18 & =12x-6x\cancel{-18+18}\\ 19 & =6x\\ x & =\{\frac{19}{6}\}.\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
Important to identify:
\[\dfrac{6x+1}{2x-3}=6\iff x=\frac{19}{6}\]
\[\dfrac{6x+1}{2x-3}\text{ is undefined when $x=\frac{3}{2}.$}\]

Second, identify the different subintervals


Third, test each of the subintervals

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \dfrac{6*(0)+1}{2*(0)-3} & =-\frac{1}{3}<6\checkmark\\ \dfrac{6*(2)+1}{2*(2)-3} & =13>6\\ \dfrac{6*(6.5)+1}{2*(6.5)-3} & =4<6\checkmark\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

This means the solution set for the inequality

\[\{x\,|\,x<\frac{3}{2}\lor x>\frac{19}{6}\}=(-\infty,\frac{3}{2})\cup[\frac{19}{6},\infty)\]

Example 19




In this case there is two inequalities to solve

\[-3\le\dfrac{3x-4}{-5}\text{ and }\dfrac{3x-4}{-5}<4\]

First, solve the following two cases:

Solve \(-3=\dfrac{3x-4}{-5}\)

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} -3 & =\dfrac{3x-4}{-5}\\ (-5)\cdot\left(-3\right) & =\left(\dfrac{3x-4}{\cancel{-5}}\right)\cancel{(-5)}\\ 15 & =3x-4\\ 15+4 & =3x\cancel{-4+4}\\ 19 & =3x\\ x & =\frac{19}{3}\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Solve \(\dfrac{3x-4}{-5}=4\)

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \dfrac{3x-4}{-5} & =4\\ (-5)\cdot\left(\dfrac{3x-4}{-5}\right) & =(4)\cdot(-5)\\ 3x-4 & =-20\\ 3x\cancel{-4+4} & =-20+4\\ 3x & =-16\\ x & =-\dfrac{16}{3}\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Second, identify the different subintervals


Third, test each subinterval for validity


Test \(x=-10\)

This means \((-\infty,-\frac{16}{3})\) is not part of the solution set.

Test \(x=0\)

This means \([-\frac{16}{3},\frac{19}{3})\) is part of the solution set.

Test \(x=10\)

This means that \([\frac{19}{3},\infty)\) is not part of the solution set.

Example 20

Solve the following rational inequality.



Note that \(\dfrac{1-x}{x+2}\) is undefined when \(x=-2\).

First, we will solve

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \dfrac{1-x}{x+2} & =-1\to1-x=-(x+2)\\ & \to1-x=-x-2\\ & \to1\ne2\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
This means for all \(x\) the rational expression will not equal negative one. (Also, \(y=-1\) is a horizontal asymptote for the plot of \(y=\dfrac{1-x}{x+2}\).)

Since there isn’t an \(x\) such that \(\dfrac{1-x}{x+2}=-1\) and \(\frac{1-x}{x+2}\) is undefined at \(x=-2\). We will consider two subintervals:


Test \(x=-10\)

This means \((-\infty,-2)\) is part of the solution set.

Test \(x=0\)

This means \((-2,\infty)\) is not part of the solution set.

Therefore, the solution set for the inequality is

or the set of all \(x\) such that \(x<-2\).

Example 21

Solve the following inequality




\(\dfrac{(x^{2}-4)^{2}}{(x-5)(x-3)}\) is undefined when \(x=5\) and \(x=3\).

\(\dfrac{(x^{2}-4)^{2}}{(x-5)(x-3)}=0\) when \(x=\pm2\).


This means we have the following subintervals


Test \(x=-3\)

This means \(\dfrac{(x^{2}-4)^{2}}{(x-5)(x-3)}\nless0\) and \((-\infty,-2)\) is not part of the solution set.

Test \(x=0\)

This means \(\dfrac{(x^{2}-4)^{2}}{(x-5)(x-3)}\nless0\) and \((-2,3)\) is not part of the solution set.

Test \(x=4\)

This means \(\dfrac{(x^{2}-4)^{2}}{(x-5)(x-3)}<0\) and \((3,5)\) is part of the solution set.

Test \(x=6\)

This means \(\dfrac{(x^{2}-4)^{2}}{(x-5)(x-3)}\nless0\) and \((5,\infty)\) is not part of the solution set.

therefore, the solution set is

or the set of all \(x\) such that \(3<x<5\).